Friday, April 1, 2011

Malaria Loves Mosquitos.

For the first time in my life I am going to need to take precautions against the life-threatening disease known as malaria. I realize that this is a privilege as I was born in America and the disease does not exist here. This is not a reality for many people especially those who live in sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

"In 2008, malaria caused nearly one million deaths, mostly among African children...In Africa a child dies every 45 seconds of malaria, the disease accounts for 20% of all childhood deaths" (WHO).
Malaria is a reality that many people must face on a day-to-day basis especially in areas that are warm and tropical. The disease is transmitted by mosquitoes who bite humans at night. Like all mosquitoes they breed in shallow water areas and the parasite is likely to develop successfully in places that are remote. The biggest concern for public health in India is malaria, especially in more deprived areas.

"The World Health Organization estimates that there were about 10.65 million malaria cases in 2006, responsible for over 15,000 deaths" (UNICEF).

Children are at such a high risk for catching malaria because their system is not yet immune. Travelers and foreigners to areas with malaria are also at risk for the same reason. With advances in medicine, malaria can be prevented with a daily dose of medication. However, there are drugs that have become resistant over time due to the intensity of the transmitted disease. I have been able to research the drug that I will need to take. There are quite a few different types out there, but the drug Doxycycline seems to be the best fit for me. The only thing I am irritated with is the fact that its expensive (from what I hear) and my student health insurance that I have to pay for each term does not cover the cost of prescriptions. What a bogus health plan. I would imagine the pills will cost a significant amount especially since I have to take one everyday.
Regardless of the cost I know that this is a disease, a parasite, that I have to avoid. For 3 months this is going to be an ongoing issue for me, and once I leave I am sure I will be relieved. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for the people of India. Global organizations will continue to work and fight for the health and safety of the Indian population, but until malaria has been eradicated there will be continued loss of life. This is something worth thinking about as I continue to prepare for my trip.

For more information on malaria, please visit:

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